Terms and conditions
... for advertising your business on saltburnbysea.com.
Thousands of businesses across the UK are already alert to the huge benefits of advertising on the web. This site aims to promote local businesses in and around Saltburn by the Sea by providing online advertising and the enormous opportunities that it offers. The reality is that in today's world any business simply HAS to embrace the web. In terms of coverage, exposure, profile and good old fashioned value for money there really is no better way.
- A basic listing on this website is free to local businesses..
- saltburnbysea.com does NOT accept listings that include content, services or products that are:
Pornographic or containing Adult Content;
Inflammatory, Offensive or Promoting Hate Literature;
Illegal, or in violation of another person's or company's rights or trademarks.
We decide what is appropriate for this site. If your website link is accepted for inclusion in your ad and you later change the content of the linked site to show offensive/obscene material then your link will be removed.
- If, for whatever reason, you want your listing removed, you can request that using our contact form.
- Requested links must be to web pages only and begin with http://
- You must have the authority to provide the details, image and link for the website/ad that you submit.
- There may be occasional downtime for site maintenance but we will endeavour to keep these to a minimum.
If you are happy to agree with our terms and conditions then you are ready to advertise on saltburnbysea.com.